Private Investigation and Security Consulting Firm in Elgin, IL

American Sentinel is founded on the principles of truth, honor, and integrity. The sentinel is a watchman, a guardian, and soldier whose discipline and mindful eye keep those they protect safe. We live these values and use it to guide us through our work serving the Chicago area.



We provide professional process of service accurately and timely, delivering a high rate of success in serving your documents. We provide notary services and same day rush services.



Our team of professionals will assess your specific facility locations and develop an in-depth, actionable security plan that includes human response training and additional safety protocols.



We provide a full suite of private investigation services ranging from criminal case review and defense investigations, to insurance claim investigations, locating persons and assets, and surveillance.

Learn more about American Sentinel

Our Leadership

American Sentinel is co-founded by security professionals with an extensive background in law enforcement, SWAT, and private investigations.

Joshua Mailey believes integrity & honesty are the cornerstones of life and strives to provide clients the highest level of protection and security. He has proudly served his country and community for 30+ years in military and law enforcement.

Michael Zeigler has a diverse background in law enforcement. As squad leader of an emergency response team, he was responsible for hundreds of high risk missions to serve and protect the community.

American Sentinel Leadership Team

What Our Clients Are Saying

“American Sentinel is our go to! They are fast, friendly and most importantly very prompt and efficient!”
Dawn M • Paralegal
“We needed a security consultant to assist us with revamping up our corporate security strategy. American Sentinel was the answer!”
Mike S • Chief Security Office

Expertise Spotlight: Workplace Violence Planning

According to a 2019 CFOI report, 19% of HR professionals are unsure or don’t know what to do when they witness or are involved in a workplace violence incident and 55% don’t know whether their organization has a workplace violence prevention program.
While no prevention plan is an absolute protection against violence at work, understanding how to prepare for and react to violent conduct is imperative.